

I hold space for men to be SEEN. Seen in their vulnerabilities, their bodies, their unique path stories, their exhaustion, their constant ‘keeping it together’, their desire to awaken, their curiosity and their desire to learn more and to feel more. From the heart.

Common Themes with Men’s Work:

-Communication/Listening Skills in Relationships

-Deeply Understanding Consent & the Importance of Asking

-Losing the “Nice Guy” Archetype and Stepping into Conscious Kink and the Dom Role (p.s. you still will always be kind)

-Embracing and expanding sense of Self & the Awakened Masculine Energy

-Premature Ejaculation/Performance Anxiety/Erectile Challenges

-Give Your Partner the Touch THEY want: Learning about Women’s anatomy, Women’s Pleasure & Yoni Massage

-Deeper Self Love/Embracing Body Image

-Less ego—- More HEART

-Discovering, Claiming, Owning and Expressing Desires

-Shifting Self Pleasure/Masterbation Habits into a Holistic Self Pleasure Practice

-Developing a more Holistic Relationship to Sex/Porn/Pleasure
